Strength coach Jazz
Testimonials,  Weight loss transformation

Sam’s weight loss transformation and some learnings for you

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Many years back while living in Melbourne, Australia, I had a friend from India who was fondly known as “Sam” or “Subu”. I often tell everyone that Sam was my very first unpaid Client. This is because I played a very important role in helping him get to his best version. This will become more clearer as I take you through his journey. Also, please watch some moments from his journey in my video below.

Background on Sam

Sam was able to land a job in Security in Australia in the very first year of landing in Australia while being a student in a University. His job was well paying and would often involve him to work in a night shift. Away from home and family, Sam would often eat outside food like from “Hungry Jacks” and MacDonald’s etc. Sam had a careless attitude towards his health and developed some bad habits like smoking and drinking. All these factors led to a gradual weight gain and deterioration in Sam’s health. Sam became obese and reached 87 kg, the heaviest weight of his life. But something was about to happen for the good.

The Realisation

Sam had some argument with our common friend. Sam also received a locket from his mother in India which was like a blessing/gift of a Goddess his family worshipped. Sam also had an internal realisation that enough is enough and that change in his health “Must Happen” and must happen “NOW”.


For this, he sought my help. When he asked me to accompany him in the morning for a morning walk, I told him, “sure, wake me up in the morning” as I wanted to test how serious he actually was.

The next morning, Sam did wake me up and we did go for a long walk to the Kooyong Park where we decided to do a run.

After hardly running for 50 metres, Sam had to lie down on the ground gasping for air as his smoker’s lungs could not handle any more. Sam had often told me that his father has been practicing Yoga for the most part of his life, so Sam decided to include Yoga Breathing as a part of his daily exercise regimen.

Sam also decided to include more vegetables, fruits (live foods) in his diet so we did shopping from the local vegetable market from time to time. With regular consumption of live foods, Sam’s energy levels increased and he started becoming lighter.

Sam also worked on his sleep timings and eating a early and a light dinner so that the night sleep doesn’t get disturbed.

Sam also included high quality fish oil and Vitamin D supplements on a regular basis.

Sam and I were regular for long walks and run in the park. Sam’s stamina gradually improved. His strength also improved with regular pushups, squats, dips and other exercises.

Sam gathers MOMENTUM

When you take regular steps, you build momentum and so did Sam.

Sam and I walked 42 km in total taking breaks in between for lunch etc on the Christmas Day. First we covered the entire cycle trail near the Kooyong Park, then later in the evening we walked the entire St. Kilda Beach.

Sam also bought a bicycle and a Garmin watch to cycle long distances and keep a track of all his rides.

Sam and I took part in some 5 km and 8 km charity runs also.

A few years later, Sam learnt some TRX and Kettlebell also from me after my Personal Trainer Certifications.

As you could see in the video above, body transformation took place for Sam and his best self bodyweight was 70 kg. There is a drastic difference in the fat from the face and glow in the skin and the spark in the eyes.


Sam’s transformation is a testimony to the fact that success in life has a lot to do with mental strength, persistence, daily actions towards your goal, creating the right environment, taking personal responsibility, using the right strategies and so much more.

If you too would like a coach in your life who believes in you, empowers you, listens to you, helps you maintain the accountability, shortens your learning curve then click the contact me here.

Movement and Strength Coach, StrongFirst Certified SFG 1, Functional Fitness Master Trainer, TRX Certified Instructor, Kettlebell Expert,Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Expert